Wednesday, March 3, 2010

30 b4 30 update

seeing as i just had a birthday, and i have one less year to finish my 30 before 30 list, i figured i needed to update you all on my quest. so here it goes...

i was just going to type the ones i have accomplished, but i think i need more motivation so i'm putting the whole list here again so i can see how much more i have to do.

1. dye my hair blonde--check! i've been a blonde for an entire year now. in case you're wondering, no i don't think blondes have more fun. but they do get hit on more often.
2. own all seasons of the cosby show--so so so close. one left to go.
3. live alone without any other people--not close at all
4. visit all those people in ha-WA-ii
5. run a mile without dying--laughably easy. it's remarkable what a breeze it is to run a mile when you...TRY
6. learn to play chess--i now own a chess board, so i'm on my way
7. go on a cruise
8. stop biting my nails--i think i get half credit here at least. i stopped biting my nails completely. then i went home for christmas, was super stressed, and bit all my nails off. but i'm back on track and it's been two months. so half credit.
9. invent something
10. see topgun--seen. wrote a blog with my (negative) review.
11. take my picture in times []--done done and done!
12. taste edible gold
13. finish that stupid cross stitch project i started in 7th grade
14. read anna karenina--started. kind of slow going.
15. go to a music concert
16. own all brand new socks at some one point--my friends bought me some new socks to start my i've started this ;)
17. learn spanish
18. own a fancy camera and actually take pictures (do this before 11) --done and done before 11
19. do a backflip--i can bend almost all the way back. a little more practice and i'll be there.
20. play the cello
21. take a cooking class
22. give more to charity than i can afford
23. get my teeth whitened
24. learn to surf or sail
25. get my portrait painted--and like it
26. build/re-do a piece of furniture
27. buy and learn the ukulele
28. learn to ride

and so. five and a half done. three pretty close-ish. two that i've started. so not too shabby. i need to pick up the pace a bit, but i'm on my way to finishing them by 2014.


Sophie Solomon Bigelow said...

Your blog doesn't show up on my iPod. It's very annoying when I want to read it in bed in the middle of the night.

gee said...

what is #30